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Jumat, 13 Februari 2015

Guide How to Install Debian 5.0 Based Text ( CLI )

open your virtual box. If you are not yet a bona fide please install it first

This is an early look at the virtual box

select new

it will appear like this
then inkanbuatlah name, type, and version you ing

then appear like this

select the type of hard disk you want

then press the setting and press stroge

 Installer menu , select Install and press enter .

 The language used , select English alias English .

 Select the country,because we live in Indonesia choose Indonesia

 Keyboard layout, Select American English

BECAUSE we Will be me - nyetting on Network Debian, select No. If you select Yes, we will use the standard settings of Network Operations

Then select Do not configure the network at this time

Type the hostname that we want

 Configure the clock select .. Jakarta

 Partitioning method, select Guided - the entire disk

next.. enter.

 Partitioning scheme, select All files in one partition (recommended for new users).

 The process write to the disk is running.

Type the root password, the root is the highest user on the Linux OS, if in Windows OS called administrator

Retype the password for verification.

Retype the password for verification.

 Type a name for the new user, if I .. debian.

 Type the password for the new user.

Verify user password you just created.

 Scan another CD or DVD, select No

 Participate in the package usage survey ?, is optional. Select yes or no does not matter, I've tried to choose both but none of its side effects

 Debian 5 can be run with a GUI or CLI, but here with the CLI because later we will me-nyetting multiple servers with CLI. Advantages CLI, it takes a lot of memory for text based. For that we remove the sign (*) on the Desktop environment by pressing the space bar. Let the sign (*) in the Standard system because we will run with the standard system alias Debian CLI. Then Continue

 GRUB, GRand Unified Boot Loader is a Linux OS built-in program that will run when the computer is booting and serves to select the OS on the computer when there is more than one OS. If there is only one OS (Linux), the program will display the option to enter OS with safe mode (example: ubuntu) or single-user (example: debian)
Next yes

The installation is complete, select Continue to restart

 After the restart and start the boot, GRUB starts running. Press enter to get into the OS debian

 Debian 5 is installed

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