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Senin, 23 Februari 2015

basic commands contained in linux

ls :
Viewing the contents of a file from the active directory . On linux command " dir " alias only in the form of the command " ls " . For the command " ls " itself is often created aka " ls -color " , so that at the time in the " ls " colors displayed in accordance with the files , usually green to execute , etc .

ls -al :
View the entire contents of files in the current directory and its files hidden + attributes / permissions of the file , and then display the screen perlayar .

cd (directory) :
Change directory . Using " cd " without the directory name will deliver you to the home directory . And " cd - " will deliver you to the previous directory .

cp source destination :
copying a file. example: cp /home/sleepholic/Desktop/Joomla.zip /opt/lampp/htdocs/.Ini means I mengcopyfile Joomla.zip on the desktop to the htdocs folder in lampmengcopy a file. example: cp /home/sleepholic/Desktop/Joomla.zip /opt/lampp/htdocs/.Ini means I mengcopyfile Joomla.zip on the desktop to the htdocs folder in lamp.

less filename :

Viewing a file screen by screen, and press "q" if you want to get out.

pico filename :

Edit a text file

mc :
Running "Morton Commander" ... uh ... one point "Midnight Commander" as a file manager, fast and good. (If not there install it first.)

.startx :

Running X-windows server and load the default window manager. Just like the "win" under DOS with Win3.1

startx — :1 :

Running subsequent X-windows session on the display 1 (the default use display 0). You can run many GUI terminals simultaneously, to move between the GUI using,, etc, but it will take more memory.

x-term :

(in X terminal), running X-windows terminal. To exit type "exit" xboing (in X terminal). Very funny guys ...., Like the old games-games ....

shutdown -h now :

(as root) Shut down the system. Generally used for remote shutdown. Use it to shutdown the console (can be run by the user).

man topic :

Displays a list of the system manual pages (help) in accordance with the topic. Try "man man". lalutekan "q" to quit the viewer. The command "info topic" Manual pages can be read dilhat by way of "any_command -help".

hostname :

Displays the name of the local host (the machine on which you are working). Use the command "netconf" (as root) to change the hostname of the machine, or edit the file / etc / hosts

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